Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.
Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.
Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.
Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.
Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.
In der aktuellen Situation und der nahen Zukunft wird es eine zentrale Herausforderung sein, Produktionen klein zu halten
und die Zahl der anwesenden Personen am Set auf ein Minimum
zu reduzieren.
Gerade bei Produktionen bei denen keine Interaktion von
Personen vor der Kamera stattfinden muss ist das einhalten von Sicherheitsabständen und Hygienemassnahmen größtenteils mit einigen Vorkehrungen möglich.
Während der Aufnahmen befinden sich nur die absolut notwendigen Teammitglieder direkt am Set. Alle anderen sind mit einem eigenen Monitoring räumlich getrennt oder per Livestream mit dem Set verbunden.
Dadurch, daß ich oft in kleinen Teams arbeite, in denen alle
gewohnt sind verschiedene Aufgaben zu übernehmen, kann
ich für kleine Sets ideale Voraussetzungen bieten.
In Kombination mit einem sehr umfangreichen Set an eigenem Kamera-, und Lichtequipment, kann ich somit Produktionen auf
einem sehr hohen Qualitätsmiveau mit minimalem Personaleinsatz und persönlichen Kontakten durchführen und zu attraktiven Konditionen anbieten.
kleines eingespieltes Team von Multitalenten
eigenes umfangreichen Kamera-, und Lichtequipment
alles aus einer Hand
minimaler Kontakt zu externen Personen